The Impact of AI and RPA in Inventory Management
Modern technologies built better inventory management.
For instance, AI in inventory management or, let’s say RPA in the management has transformed things for good.
As per Statista, here are the technologies that people are currently investing in. AI is amongst those top four technologies, where people love to invest.
No matter if you are managing the inventory or any other project — AI and RPA will transform it, indeed.
These people investing in technologies are smart; they understand the importance of AI or RPA in managing their work.
So, What is Inventory Management?
A systematic approach to gathering, storing and selling inventory. It includes both the raw material and the finished products.
The business perspective says it is the maintaining apt stock at the right location, time, and cost.
Why do people invest in inventory management?
Well, it helps a business or the inventor managers to diminish the cost, offer better customer service, avoid any chances of theft or damage, and even optimize fulfillment.
What else?
It even offers insights into your current financial situations, customers’ preferences, business opportunities, current trends, and much more.
In short, every business must consider inventory management for its organization and expect the best results for attaining the utmost growth and performance.
Challenges Faced by Inventory Management (Without AI and RPA)
There are quite a few — which can hurt the management, performance, and smooth functioning of the inventory management.
The serious challenges faced by inventory management in absence of technologies like AI and RPA are:
1. Dealing aptly with the dead stock
2. Stock-outs
3. Accelerated storage costs
4. Disorganized order tracking
5. Misplaced inventory stock
6. Diminished customer loyalty
These challenges can completely break the inventory business.
Even if one of them is not on the track, the inventory management would lose its quality, leading to reduced customer satisfaction and loyalty.
AI and RPA Together — How Does it Really Transform the Business?
The world has witnessed the rush of automation — in every industry.
Robotic Process Automation along with Artificial Intelligence I has been the foremost technologies people have relied on for this rush.
These advanced technologies not only automate the processes but also eliminates the tasks that are barely required to boost the performance of the services/products.
AI and RPA have been on the cutting edge of this upsurge of automation.
Why inventory managers are loving it?
The technology has completely cut off those mundane tasks, allowing complete automation to rule over.
What else has gone up? the intelligence of the bots and the quality of work — the credit goes to RPA and AI.
Hence, RPA in Inventory management or AI in inventory management has become a necessity more than comfort.
And, how can we forget the challenges faced by the inventory sector? It is impossible to combat them without the robust support of technology.
AI and RPA are perfect tools for smoothening the inventory management processes.
How Efficient are Both the Technologies Together?
While both the technologies when combined delivers outstanding results for inventory management.
Both technologies have quite a few similarities.
For instance, both the technologies promise to transform the business processes to match the digital alteration. Plus, both the technologies are advanced and require highly skilled professionals to deploy it aptly.
The combination of AI and RPA ends up in intelligent automation, permitting quick business processes, and more.
Should Inventory Managers Combine it?
Of course, it is a good combo.
AI for inventory management or RPA for inventory optimization is apt. Together RPA and AI support each other intelligently. It can coexist together to create better and more robust solutions for your inventory business.
Both technologies simplify and automate both the back and front office tasks.
Reasons why you should use both RPA and AI together for inventory management:
1. Save the time and efforts of your valuable team from doing those monotonous, repetitive, and tedious tasks, which with the usage of both AI and RPA together are simplified and automated.
2. Skyrocket the performance and productivity of your workforce.
3. Eliminate human errors to achieve the desired results and expected performance.
4. Results inefficient and enhanced data management, allowing you to cut operational costs.
5. Both the technologies are advanced and deliver the apt process transparency via custom business solutions and reporting system.
Besides, these technologies together are not limited just to be operated by the programmers. The advanced intelligent automation does that for the inventory managers too.
How do AI and RPA streamline Inventory Management Operations?
Well, it is a whole process that simplifies the inventory management tasks, when relied on AI and RPA.
Here’s how RPA streamlines Inventory Management:
1. Administrative Tasks: Processes like purchasing orders and managing requests along with the right shipping details — everything has to be updated and maintained well to avoid any confusion in the business. RPA in Inventory Management can help in automating such mundane tasks, allowing your employees to save time and effort. Maintaining these manual sheets and data can be tiring, which is eliminated by the RPA. Hence, RPA should be implemented for better inventory business.
2. Smooth Communication: Of course, it is the simplest aspect of any business, yet the most powerful one. One needs to invest in enhancing internal and external communication as much they can. When RPA is utilized properly, it can allow RPA bots to handle the customer queries easily. RPA does everything instantly.
3. Pick the Right Vendor: It might be tough to select the right vendor, sometimes. Generally, it involves a string of manually performed chores, including management of vendors listings, quotation raise, requests, data analysis, verification, such as other tasks. It is highly recommended to rely on RPA for picking the right vendor for better business.
Proper Planning: RPAs even manage the planning and timely inventory supply too. The technology breaks the barriers build between different departments and sections. It closely manages tasks such as shipping, warehousing, and ordering processes to ease out the entire inventory management process. Plus, it can deliver highly accurate results if combined with other apt technologies like AI and Machine learning.
Here’s how AI streamlines Inventory Management:
Now, let’s see how AI streamlines inventory management.
Full- Inventory Management:
AI is more advanced, and it delivers many advanced solutions to the inventory managers. This technology allows much serious control over the inventory operations, allowing your inventory to better manage the entire process. The advanced technology checks everything, within a few minutes, which otherwise would have consumed hours, if managed by humans.
Demand Prediction:
If implemented properly, AI can be quite informative. Generally, for inventory business, it is mandatory to design a business model that can generate demand for inventory. AI helps in building such prediction models that predict the demand prediction way before to make it a profitable business for you.
Allows External Sources Integration:
AI further when combined with other tools and technologies, including machine learning — it is possible to design an unbeatable prediction model for increasing the demands, without investing too much. The best part of AI is that it easily incorporates external sources for building the best solution to attain optimum success in your inventory business.
Want to see how one of the leading companies across the world, ‘AMAZON’ has applied AI to automate their tasks?
AI Implementation in Amazon
See, how well they have simplified their tasks? The mundane tasks for the workforce have completely been removed; everything is automated and the results of the same can be seen. How efficient has the process become!
It is, therefore, important to invest in AI and RPA for inventory management for achieving success in business.
But, before you do that, it is important to consider some important factors for building a profitable business.
Factors to Consider before Implementing AI & RPA
There are certain factors to consider before implementing RPA and AI in inventory management. Here are those factors:
1. Integration with Existing Inventory Management Solutions
Consider the factors like whether the AI and RPA can be integrated with your existing inventory management software and solutions or not. Generally, a duplicate AI is designed for apt integration with the existing inventory management to boost better insights
2. Inventory is not Consistent
Inspect the AI models for inventory and you would know how different are the items in inventory — and how does the demand to build a suitable AI solution for running it smoothly. While some inventory items can be predicted by the business, others are completely unpredictable. It is, therefore, important to test every solution before it is actually implemented in your inventory business. Prior testing is necessary to see which solutions are feasible for your business, and which ones won’t work smoothly with the existing inventory plan.
3. Quality Maintenance is Mandatory
Before you implement AI and RPA, it is mandatory to build and maintain the quality of the data. Does your existing data match the quality of the standard? Do you have enough data to be managed by AI? One of the biggest challenges faced by AI implementers is to know whether the existing data maintains the quality required or not. So, it is mandatory to discover answers for all these questions to make it a seamless business for yourself.
4. Beware of Imitations
Never be misled by the imitations. Of course, AI and RPA are such prominent technologies, which many have imitated. Remember that real AI relies on machine learning — where the algorithms are aptly trained to enhance the prediction cycle in the inventory business. Of course, every technology requires pre-testing, so that it is well-tested before it is applied to achieve the results in the business process. Real AI will combat the imitations — be it in any shape or form — for successfully running the business.
So, these were the main factors that need to be considered before implementing the AI or RPA in the inventory industry. Of course, you will need to consider these vital factors.
General issues faced with data in the inventory industry is — typos, writing errors, missing fields, format dissimilarity — which can confuse or misguide the AI or RPA.
Data cleansing will become a time-consuming process in the world. But with all such errors, it is not really possible to rectify everything quickly.
Of course, AI and RPA are advanced enough to solve such problems, but doesn’t that waste time and effort?
It does. But it is also true that data can be inconsistent since there are variations in the process. Hence, it is not feasible to implement AI or RPA without having the appropriate data.
So, the primary requirement is to collect and maintain sufficient data, and that too in a proper format to make it understandable to the technology. AI just limits when it comes to the quality of the data.
However, it still performs to deliver roughly the desired results.
The Takeaway Message
Irrespective of your business size, type, and need — AI and RPA can be implemented in the business. There are numerous benefits that inventory management processes will witness once these technologies are implemented.
The world needs automation, not just the inventory sector, but every other business.
It is, therefore, obligatory for different businesses, including the inventory business to automate all mundane tasks, allowing the processes to get simpler and better to achieve the expected results.
These advanced technologies identify better business opportunities.
It identifies the solutions that assist project managers to automate a predefined set of tasks, plan the right strategies to build better inventory business, and create better life cycles for inventory items.
AI and RPA are obligatory for achieving the success in inventory business.
Hence, undoubtedly AI for Inventory management and RPA for inventory management is a must.
This blog is originally published at Customer Think